Power > ODX-3000 Series

ODX-3000 Series

Input: 24/36/48/72/110Vdc
Outputs: 400V ac
Power: 3000 VA
Tamb: -25 to 70°C
Dims: 393 x 220 x 80.5mm
EN62368 / EN50155 Approved
Made in Spain

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The Premium ODX-3000 inverter is a 400Vac three phase output dc ac converter. The input and output are galvanically isolated.


Select 50/60 Hz via DIP switch
Select local/remote (RS232) via DIP switch
Shutdown by applying 15 to 143V to pins 3&4 of J4
Motor control:
Soft-start – in the start up the output voltage and frequency rise linearly from 0V to set voltage and from 16Hz to set frequency. The start-up ramp slope may be changed via the RS232 control.

The rotational speed can be set according to the appropriate voltage/frequency ratio.
Rotational direction can be changed by applying between 15 and 143V to pins 1&2 of J4
The status of the input snd output voltage can be monitored through the contacts of two separate solid state relays.

Parameters can be set and monitored via the RS232 port.

The ODX-3000 inverter features maximum average power protection as well as maximum output peak current protection. This protects the semiconductors even when an output short-circuit occurs. It also features a disable function for input undervoltage, which protects the batteries from harmful discharges.

Four M4 threaded holes are provided for chassis mounting.

The ODX-3000-74xx-T version is designed for railway applications to EN50155; EN50121-3-2.


Click on the link below for an instant download.

  • ODX-3000 Series datasheet

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