Power > MTW Series
MTW Series

MTW Series

Input: 9-36V
Outputs: 12V to 28V dc
Power: 360 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +105°C
Dims: Half Brick
2250V dc Isolation
Made in USA

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The 4:1 Input Voltage 360 Watt Single MTW series DC/DC converter provides a precisely regulated dc output. The output voltage is fully isolated from the input, allowing the output to be positive or negative polarity and with various ground connections. The 360 Watt MTW meets the most rigorous performance standards in an industry standard footprint for mobile (12VIN), process control (24VIN), and military COTS (28VIN) applications.

The 4:1 Input Voltage 360 Watt MTW series includes trim and remote ON/OFF. Threaded through holes are provided to allow easy mounting or addition of a heatsink for extended temperature operation.

The converters high efficiency and high power density are accomplished through use of high-efficiency synchronous rectification technology, advanced electronic circuit, packaging and thermal design thus resulting in a high reliability product. Converter operates at a fixed frequency and follows conservative component de-rating guidelines.


Click on the link below for an instant download.

  • MTW series datasheet

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