Power > DRU30 Series
DRU30 Series

DRU30 Series

Input: 12 or 24V dc
Outputs 13.6 or 27.2V dc
Power: 60 Watt (Charge)
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 114 x 54mm
UL / CE EN60950 Approved

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The DRU30 series is available for 12V and 24V battery backed DC systems and provides a simple, cost effective solution to provide battery test and protection as well as alarm status on the battery and the DC bus.

The DRU30 is designed to sit alongside a Din rail mounted power supply which will provide the bulk power to the load. The DRU has a built in boost, current limited charger which will provide either a float or fast charge voltage to the battery.

The DRU30 also provides automatic battery reverse polarity protection & low voltage deep discharge protection to prevent permanent damage to the battery.


Click on the link below for an instant download.

  • DRU30 datasheet

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