Power > CQB150W8 Series

CQB150W8 Series

Input: 9-75Vdc
Outputs: 5V to 54 Vdc
Power: 150 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +105°C
Dims: Quarter Brick
IEC/UL62368-1, EN55032/035/EN50155 Approved

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The CQB150W8 Series is a 150W isolated DC-DC converter with an ultra-wide 8:1 input range of 9-75VDC, offering efficiency up to 91%. Its compact quarter-brick design (2.28” x 1.45” x 0.5”) supports output voltages from 5V to 54V and operates in temperatures from -40 to +105℃.

With reinforced 3000Vac isolation and protections including over-temperature, over-current, over-voltage, and under-voltage lockout, it ensures reliable performance. Certified to IEC/UL 62368-1 and compliant with EN 55032, EN 50155, and EN 45545-2, it meets strict safety and EMC standards. Designed for railway, industrial automation, and telecom applications, it withstands shock, vibration, and altitudes up to 5000m, with optional bus and external UVLO functionality.


Click on the link below for an instant download.

  • CQB150W8 series datasheet
  • CQB150W8 series application note

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