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EN62368 Compliant Power Supplies
Relec Electronics are pleased to be able to offer a range of power supplies which are fully compliant with the latest safety standards EN62368. We also offer full support on migrating legacy products to EN62368 from EN60950. For best advice call our technical team today who will be more than happy to help you.
All electronic equipment put on to the open market needs to be approved to a relevant safety standard. Over the past few decades there have been 3 standards which are relevant to all electronic products:
• EN 60950-1 deals with the safety of IT and communications equipment
• EN 60065 covers the safety of audio, video and similar electronic apparatus.
• EN 60601 covers the safety of medical equipment.
The technology within IT, communications and audio/video equipment has over time started to overlap, so a new standard EN62368-1 is in the process of being introduced. EN62368 (1st ed) was originally introduced in 2012 and quickly replaced by EN62368-1 (2nd ed) in 2014, with a 3rd edition planned for Q4 2018. This will supersede the EN 60950-1 and the EN 60065 standards by June 2019. However, the formal date for withdrawal of EN60950 and EN60065 is not until December 2020 in the European Union.
Components and sub assemblies that comply with EN60950 or EN60065 can be used as part of equipment covered by EN62368. No further evaluation is necessary other than to consider the appropriate use of the component or sub assembly in the end product. Please be aware however that in the EU after Dec 2020 EN60065 and EN60950 certified components will no longer be permitted in equipment investigated to EN62368 without further investigation.
EN62368-1 3rd edition will contain a refinement of the requirements for creepage and clearance including a new prescriptive option (Annex X which will be based on EN60950 tables). This is due to be published in Q3/4 2018
So what are the practical issues associated with transitioning components certified to EN60065 or EN60950 into products investigated to EN62368-1? Generally speaking, power supplies certified to EN60950 have outputs which are specified as SELV (Safe extra low voltage). In EN62368-1 this has been replaced with the ES1 energy source classification. Whilst the two standards do differ in the way they treat energy sources and hazards, an SELV circuit is safe to touch, just as an ES1 source is by definition in EN62368-1. EN62368-1 does clearly set out in its scope that the legacy component provision should “…provide a smooth transition from the latest editions IEC 60950-1 & IEC60065 to this standard”.
One other issue which does need to be addressed is backward compatibility between EN62368-1 and EN60950/EN60065. There are equipment manufacturers that are continuing to certify their products to EN60950 / EN60065 (as they have not been withdrawn yet) and may have to use components which are now certified to EN62368-1. It is understood that provision will be made with the legacy standards to allow incorporation of components designed, investigated and certified to EN62368-1
Here at Relec Electronics we are working closely with all our suppliers of power supplies to ensure that we are fully aware of what transitions they are making moving from legacy standards to EN62368-1. Our technical staff are all informed of the issues involved, both with regards new product designs and transitions of older equipment to the new standard. If you require any further assistance our technical team will be more than happy to help you.
FA5-220SXXG2D4 Series
Input: 85-305Vac
Outputs: 3.3 to 24Vdc
Power: 5 Watt
Tamb: -40 to +105°C
Dims: 25.4 x 25.4 x 17.6mm
Meet IEC62368/UL62368/EN62368 -
AMR1 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 10 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 18mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRA18 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24Vdc
Power: 18 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 114 x 22.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
EDA20 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 5 to 24V
Power: 20 Watt
Tamb: -40 to +70°C
Dims: 92 x 54 x 30mm
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
DA20-220SXXG2N4 series
Input: 85-305Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 20 Watts
Tamb: -40 to +75°C
Dims: 54.0 x 29.3 x 23.7mm
Meets EN55032, EC/EN61000 -
AMR2 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 24 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 35mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM25S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48V
Power: 25 /50 Watt (<10 Secs)
Tamb: -30°C to +80°C
Dims: 2" x 1.1" x 1.0"
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
DRAN30 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48Vdc
Power: 30 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 114 x 40.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRS1 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 5V to 24V
Power: 30 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 100 x 22.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
EDA35 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 5 to 24V
Power: 35 Watt
Tamb: -40 to +70°C
Dims: 78 x 51 x 28mm
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
AMR3 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 36 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 53mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM41S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48V
Power: 40 / 80 Watt (< 10 Secs)
Tamb: -30°C to +80°C
Dims: 2" x 2" x 1.0"
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
DRS2 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 5V to 24V
Power: 50 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 100 x 30mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
AMR4 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 60 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 71mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
EDA60 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 5 to 24V
Power: 60 Watt
Tamb: -40 to +70°C
Dims: 98 x 82 x 35mm
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
DRAN60 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48Vdc
Power: 60 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 114 x 40.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM61S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48V
Power: 60 / 120 Watt (<10 Secs)
Tamb: -30°C to +70°C
Dims: 2" x 2" x 1.5"
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
CFM4060S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 3V3 to 48V
Power: 40 /60 Watt
Tamb: 0°C to +70°C
Dims: 4" x 2" x 1.2"
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
DBR Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 13.6 or 27.2V dc
Power: 60 Watt (Charge)
Tamb: -40 to 51°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 90mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRS3 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 12V to 48V
Power: 72 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 100 x 40.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
ABC75 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 58V
Power: 75 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 70°C
Dims: 3" x 2" x 1"
IEC / EN / UL 62368-1 Compliant
Made in Slovakia -
CFM81S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 48V
Power: 80 / 160 Watt (<10 Secs)
Tamb: -30°C to +80°C
Dims: 3" x 2" x 1.4"
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
AMR5 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 5V to 24V
Power: 100 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 91 x 56.5 x 90mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
EDA100 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 5 to 24V
Power: 100 Watt
Tamb: -40 to +70°C
Dims: 158 x 97 x 38mm
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
DRA100 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 100 Watt
Tamb: -35 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 114 x 54mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CBM101S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 48V
Power: 100 Watt (120 Watts for 5 secs)
Tamb: -40°C to +85°C
Dims: Full Brick
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM101S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 100 Watt
Tamb: 0°C to +70°C
Dims: 4" x 2" x 1.1"
UL / CE EN60950 Approved
EN55032 Class B and
DRS4 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 12V to 48V
Power: 100 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 90 x 100 x 54.0mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRAN120 Series
Input: 115/230Vac (auto select)
Outputs: 12V to 48Vdc
Power: 120 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 64mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRE120 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 24V
Power: 120-180 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 40mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRS5 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs 12V to 48V
Power: 120 Watt
Tamb: -25 to 71°C
Dims: 124.5 x 34.2 x 123.6mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM130S Series
Input: 80-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 130 Watt
Tamb: -30°C to +70°C
Dims: 3" x 2" x 1.2"
IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 Approved -
CFM150S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 150 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +80°C
Dims: 4" x 2" x 1.4"
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
ABC180 Series
Input: 80-264Vac
Outputs 12 to 58V
Power: 180 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +70°C
Dims: 4" x 2" x 0.75"
IEC / EN / UL 62368-1 Compliant
Made in Slovakia -
CFM201S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 200 Watt
Tamb: -20°C to +80°C
Dims: 5" x 3" x 1.5"
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
ABC225 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 58V
Power: 225 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +70°C
Dims: 4" x 2" x 1"
IEC / EN / UL 62368-1 Compliant
Made in Slovakia -
DRA240 Series
Input: 115/230Vac (auto select)
Outputs: 24V or 48V
Power: 240 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 83.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRE240 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 24V
Power: 240-360 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 64mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRA300 Series
Input: 115/230Vac (auto select)
Outputs: 24V or 48Vdc
Power: 300 Watt
Tamb: -30 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 83.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
VCCS300M Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 56Vdc
Power: 300 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +70°C
Dims: 101.3 x 50.8 x 40.2 mm
IEC/UL60601-1-2 Edition 4 EMC, IEC/UL60601-1 Edition 3.1, MIL-STD Approved
5 Year warranty -
CFM300S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 300 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +80°C
Dims: 5" x 3" x 1.5"
EN62368-1 Compliant -
CHB300-300S Series
Input: 180 to 425V dc
Outputs: 5V to 48V dc
Power: 300 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +100°C
Dims: Half Brick
3000V ac reinforced isolation
Safety Meets IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 -
ABC350 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 58V
Power: 350 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 70°C
Dims: 3" x 5" x 1"
IEC / EN / UL 62368-1 Compliant -
CFM361S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs 12V to 48V
Power: 360 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +85°C
Dims: 5" x 3" x 1.6"
UL / CE EN60950 Approved -
CFM400S Series
Input: 80-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 54V
Power: 400 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +85°C
Dims: 5" x 3" x 1.54"
IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 Approved -
DRA480 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 24V or 48Vdc
Power: 480 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 175 x 116 x 83.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
DRE480 Series
Input: 88-264Vac
Outputs: 24V to 48V
Power: 480-720 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 71°C
Dims: 124 x 116 x 83.5mm
UL / CE EN62368-1 Approved -
CFM500S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12V to 48V
Power: 500 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +80°C
Dims: 5" x 3" x 1.55"
EN62368-1 Compliant -
ABS601 Series
Input: 85 - 305Vac
Outputs: 24 - 48Vdc
Power: 600 Watt
Tamb: -30 to 70°C
Dims: 250.5 x 125.0 x 60.0mm
IEC / EN 62368-1, UL 60950-1, UL 62368-1 Compliant
Sealed to IP66/67/68
Made in Slovakia -
CoolX600 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 1 to 4, 2.5 to 58V dc
Power: 600 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +85°C
Dims: 216 x 114 x 39 mm
UL / CE EN60950 EN60601 Approved -
ACC600 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 58V
Power: 600 Watt
Tamb: -40 to 70°C
Dims: 216 x 127 x 41mm
UL / CE EN62368 Approved
Made in Slovakia -
PDF700S Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 56V
Power: 700 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +100°C (Baseplate)
Dims: Full Brick
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
PFC750 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Output: 390Vdc
Power: 750 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +100°C (Baseplate)
Dims: Half Brick
UL / CE EN62368 Approved -
PDF700S-CMF Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 56V
Power: 700 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +95°C (Baseplate)
Dims: 240 x 110 x 40.30 / 42.00 mm
IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 Ed 3.0 Approved -
PDF700S(B)-CMFC(D/D-P) Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 56V
Power: 700 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +95°C (Baseplate)
Dims: 240 x 110 x 40.30 / 42.00 mm
Certified to MIL-STD-810F -
AE 800 Series
Input: 90-264VAC
Outputs: 12 to 60VDC
Power: 800 Watt
Tamb: -20 to 60°C
Dims: 249 x 127 x 41mm
EN/UL62368-1 & EN55032 EMC Safety Approved -
CoolX1000 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 1 to 12, 2.5 to 58V dc
Power: 1000 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +85°C
Dims: 254 x 165.1 x 39.1 mm
UL / CE, EN62368-1 EN60601 -
iLS1500 Series
Input: 100Vac - 240Vac
Outputs: 0-30Vdc to 0-400Vdc (5 ranges)
Power: 1500W
Tamb: +10 to +40°C
Dims: 1U compact design
Certified to CAN/CSA C22.2 - 60950-1 & 62368-1 -
AD 1500 Series
Input: 90-264VAC
Outputs: 12 to 60VDC - Digital Control
Power: 1500 Watt
Tamb: -20 to 60°C
Dims: 280 x 127 x 64mm
Supports PMBus, MODBUS, RS485, and I2C protocol -
AE-1500 Series
Input: 90-264VAC
Outputs: 12 to 60VDC
Power: 1500 Watt
Tamb: -20 to 60°C
Dims: 280 x 127 x 64mm
EN/UL62368-1 & EN55032 EMC Safety Approved -
CoolX1800 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 1 to 12, 2.5 to 58V dc
Power: 1800 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +70°C
Dims: 262 x 127 x 40.6 mm
UL / CE EN60950, EN62368-1 EN60601 -
CoolX3000 Series
Input: 85-264Vac
Outputs: 1 to 24, 2.5 to 58V dc
Power: 3000 Watt
Tamb: -40°C to +60°C
Dims: 300 x 131 x 120 mm
UL / EN62368-1 EN60601 (2xMOPP) -
AEK-3000 Series
Input: 90-264Vac
Outputs: 12 to 60VDC
Power: 3000 Watt
Tamb: -20 to 60°C
Dims: 280 x 170 x 64mm
EN/UL62368-1 & EN55032 EMC Safety Approved
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