The Big Relec Bike Ride 2018

March News

Back in the Saddle at last – A new month and better fortune – Target 450 miles

3 – 9th March – The snow cleared at quickly as it arrived which allowed us to get out for 20 miles on the Sunday.  The roads were pretty filthy and I can’t say it was much fun.  At least there was no ice around.  I also managed to get back into the swing of commuting (Not before time)

10 – 16th March – Lashed it down Saturday morning but managed to nip out for an hour after the Ireland Scotland game and followed up with a very blustery round the harbour ride on Sunday morning.  Missed the return ferry by around 30 seconds.  Kept a close eye on the weather for the weekend, so headed out Friday afternoon for first 50 miler of the.  Glad we did.  100 miles for the week !!

17 – 23rd March

Work got in the way a little bit with a trip to Derby, but managed to get 60 miles in over 2 extended commutes and big plans for the weekend.

24 – 31th March

Had a great weekend – Managed to get out for 40 miles in the drizzle on Saturday morning despite a slightly sore head.  50 miles On Sunday with Bucko around Wimborne, Canborne and Alderholt.  Starting feel better about things now.  Might be it for the week though as too much going on and away for Easter.  Didn’t quite hit the 450 miles but happy where I am.

April Target  – 600 miles

Will be away for week one, but the nights are drawing out, so lots of long rides home from here on in


Thanks again and see you after Easter – John

Happy to announce the arrival our new logo for the ride – Thanks to Simon at Idealogy, who has also put together an amazing design for our ride Jersey.  We’re taking advanced orders @ £50.00 with the full amount going to the Brain Tumour Charity.  Please call us if you are interesting in getting one

Relec Cycle Jersey

We’ve also got a full set of T shirts in stock now, so there’s no excuse for not making that donation.  Thanks to Peter, Tracey and Jon for being willing models and to Katie at the Brain tumour charity for letting us have their fantastic cycle jersey.  If you’d like one of these please let me know.  I’m sure we can arrange something

Sponsorship Update

We’ve had an amazing response this month to our request for corporate sponsorship.  We are now up to $4000 with power to add.  My thanks go out to the following:





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